Thank you for your understanding of my sewing machine frustration. Fortunately, the weekend was approaching and that means driving to the house in the woods where my back up sewing machine lives!
I love the weather in New England, particularly the seasonal changes. Having said that, this is my least favorite period when everything that is not frozen is muddy and the remnants of snow are dirty.
Therefore, this is the best time to appreciate bright colored fabrics like this Preppy D9P:
This quilt is going to a special young lady who deserves nothing but happy colors and fun motifs. My approach to this project was:
1. Pick a color scheme. Answer: preppy pink and greens to match her bedroom (with a little bit of blue thrown in for fun).
2. Find the fabric. Answer: Somehow my (growing) stash did not have enough of these colors so I
had to go shopping. The starting pile of fabric looked like
3. Decide on a scrappy looking pattern. Answer: This is my first quilt using the disappearing 9 patch block but after seeing
this quilt and
this one, I thought this block would be a good systemic approach to a scrappy look.

Once I got to my back-up sewing machine, this came together quite quickly and really brightened up another dreary mud season day!
But fear not, while I was without sewing machine, I did indeed find other quilty ways to fill the time (that I perhaps should have spent cleaning out closets). Have you seen the
dyosampler on Sew Mama Sew? In addition to the tutorial on how to design your own sampler there are some great block ideas to use in your sampler. The old accountant in me just couldn't resist sitting down with pencil, paper and calculator to sketch out a first draft of a dyo sampler.
This may be a little ambitious for me, but that is why it is drawn in pencil! I am so excited about getting started on my sampler. Right now I am debating between a low volume/peachy quilt or making a dent in the large collection of aqua/ teal/ green fabrics in my stash. Or maybe something much fun!
I might as well stay busy sewing as it seems it's going to be a long time before I get my kayak out on this water!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Linking up with
Amanda Jean's finish it up Friday party!