The leaves has just begun to turn autumn colors. Every month of the year presents opportunities for beauty and special events (OK, so you may have to look a little harder in March's mud season around here) but October is by a wide margin my favorite month of the year. New England foliage and fall events, lovely crisp days and cool nights and our wedding anniversary and my birthday! I promise to share some of the local color with you.
Speaking of color, I am playing with these in the new sewing cave.
I am indeed so excited to be back sewing! So many projects on my mind that need to be translated to cotton and thread. I'm also working on updating my social media. This little blog needs some housekeeping and, hopefully, that will happen soon. Meanwhile I have been waging a little war with Flickr. The combination of a Yahoo product and my gmail account just did not want to work. After much effort trying to solve this with the on-line community, I finally was able to work with someone (a real person!) at Yahoo customer support who unlocked the mystery. Hooray! I have now updated Flickr for most of my finished projects to date.
Today we are getting much needed rain and it is dark and wet outside. My BFF from high school (and sisters) and her husband are visiting today and comfort food is on the menu for dinner.
Turkey shepherds pie in process. The house smells very much like fall.
Linking up with Sew Fresh Quilts and Freshly Pieced! Hope you are enjoying your day, whatever the weather!