Yes, we crossed off a state, visited a couple of interesting cities and attended QuiltCon! We left frigid, very snowy Boston early in the morning.
How lovely to arrive in sunny, snow-less Austin.
We arrived a day early and I planned my QuiltCon strategy so that we could fit in some time to visit a little of Austin. Seeing these banners, I thought there might be a cross-stitch conference taking place in Austin also (come on, I know some of you attending QC thought the same!).
South by Southwest is a huge annual event that my son has attended so he was able to provide us some insight on the city. Downtown Austin is very compact and walkable. Our first afternoon in the warmth of Texas was spent in the South Congress Avenue area filled with restaurants and funky shops and sights.
Visiting the Texas State capital complex provided a history refresher of this enormous state that was once a country for a few years.
Did I tell you that it was my husband's idea to go to QuiltCon even though the first day was his birthday? Yes, on his birthday I spent the entire day in an amazing quilt class (more on that in my next post) while he walked around the city checking out book stores, libraries, walking paths, the ginormous Whole Foods store, historical buildings and pet shelters. We did do cocktails on 6th Street after and I had made reservations at Eddie V's for dinner and live music. So, I'm not such an awful wife to completely ignore the day!
Interesting, fun city. True to it's motto "Keep Austin Weird." Renting a car, we drove south to San Antonio for a couple of days. This is a huge city (by Texas or any other measure). Our hotel balcony had a lovely view of the Riverwalk.
San Antonio, at least the Riverwalk area downtown, lives up to its reputation as a great place to visit. We enjoyed the riverboat ride, ate Tex-Mex, drank margaritas, toured the Alamo, took long walks along the side of the river, visited historical churches and watched the Academy Awards from our (free upgrade!) suite.
What a perfect way to end our visit to Texas with amazing live music in the Austin terminal. This is Delaney Gibson and she is terrific!

20 more states to go! Where to next?